
Madara Ābele

Informācija par autoru

Esmu mācījusies mākslas pamatus Parīzē. Es gleznoju un fotogrēfēju. Fotogrāfijas pamatus esmu apguvusi Indijā. Tagad es vēlos dalīties ar saviem darbiem. Mani iedvesmo daba, jūra un koki… Es mīlu ceļot un fotogrāfēt dabu dažādās pasaules vietās.

Madara Abele is Latvian artist who lives in Paris and studied in Paris where she got her Masters degree diploma in Art History.  I find my inspiration from my feelings, pain, drama, love, the nature, the woods, the sea… All the main things that I can not live without are mostly emotions that make me  feel alive, those precious moments when you feel that you are awake and living… Traveling the world is my passion. Art for me is something that I live with every day and it is everywhere.. also art for me is an expression of freedom and a form of meditation.”

× 4. glezna, bez nosaukuma,100x70cm, a/a, 2016
1 x 300,00 
× Glezna, Pink Nature, 70x50cm, a/a, 2018.
1 x 250,00 
Kopā: 550,00 

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